P SYSTEM - The company

P SYSTEM - The company

P System Automazione S.r.l. was founded in 1 995 by a staff with a long experience in the supply of hydro-dynamic industrial automation.

The main areas of application are the iron and steel heavy industry, die-casting foundry, wood presses, etc...

After developing the dynamics of the hydraulic briquette presses in the Nineties, the company P System Automazione S.R.L. started to design a new production line for pellets aiming to supply  “TURN KEY” installations through the “PLUG AND PLAY” system.

In 2004, the EASY-START systems and the LOAD SENSING system received a patent from the European Union. The first system is controlled loading of the die in order to avoid downtimes and obstructions.

In 2008 following the great success in the sale of pellet plants and machines, P System has developed a new type of kinetic and hydro-dynamic dryer with closed loop that is currently being examined for a EU patent. This type of dryer allows to have a complete pellet production line with material whose moisture may lie between 6% and 60%.

Although many companies of traditional mechanical pellet machines have tried to imitate these systems, the technology applied by P System has remained the most productive and modern.

Constant investments on research and development allow us to maintain the technological gap between us  and our competitors unvaried.


Hydraulic Pellet Plants
Hydraulic Pellet Plants
Hydraulic Pellet Plants
Hydraulic Pellet Plants
Hydraulic Pellet Plants
Hydraulic Pellet Plants
Hydraulic Pellet Plants